Lunes, Oktubre 3, 2016


$508.00 USD   Shop now!

Item: 4in1 Diamond Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion Peeling Ultrasound Skin Scrubber Massager Cold warm Hammer Machine
Item ID: PE353
Color: Golden
Voltage: 110V/220V
Power: 110W
Treatment Area: Facial, Body
Size: 45x27x46 cm
Weight: 12 kg

1. Diamond Dermabrasion Machine X 1
2. PVC vacuum hose 6*4 X 1
3. Diamond tips X 9
4. Stainless steel wands X 2
5. Ultrasound Probe X 2
6. Warm & Cold hammer X 1
7. Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber X 1
8.Cotton filter X 1 pack
9. Connector, tube rings & fuses X 1
10. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1

- Removes wrinkles, pimples and spots
- Clears, lightens, smoothes the look of skin
- Enhances blood circulation
- Minimization of blotchy skin coloring
- Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury
- Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads
- Reduction of oily skin
- Deep cleanses and moisturizes
- Minimizes pores
- Skin rejuvenation
- Peeling

COLD 5°C / 41°F
It detoxifies and shrinks pores; soothes and refreshes puffy eyes, swollen face, and large skin pores. The cold therapy approaches facial rejuvenation and shortens time and truly making a “quicker lift.”

1. Relieve tired eyes
2. Relieves tension headache
3. Relieves facial fatigue.
4. Reduces muscle tension and spasm around the eyes, face and jaw.

WARM 40°C / 104°F
It opens pores, helps deep cleansing, increases circulation, stimulates skin metabolism, facial massaging and firming skin.
For deep clean purpose, please use it before applying facial cleanser.

1. Enhances your skin's absorption of nutrients; removes wrinkles and eliminates spots.
2. Lightens and firms your skin, while shrinking pores.
3. Deep heat activates your cells; re-growth and leaves skin glowing and smooth; slows aging process.
4. Relief of pain, pinched nerves, stiffness, sprains, neck injury; decreases inflammation.
5. Enhances blood circulation and metabolism while helping you relax.
6. Treat injuries and bruises.

-Adjustable intensity level power control
-Massaging and peeling at the same time
-Non-surgical skin refinish procedure
-Non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedure
-Easy to operate

Diamond Dermabrasion
Microdermabrasion, also referred to as mechanical exfoliation or micro resurfacing, is a method for facial rejuvenation that uses a mechanical medium for exfoliation along with adjustable suction to sweep away the outermost layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis. It is a non-invasive procedure. The exfoliation and suctioning disrupts the skin’s surface, causing cell division. As the skin cells divide fibroblast activity is stimulated leading to collagen production, which leads to thicker, firmer skin. Human skin sloughs off at a slower rate with age, so the exfoliation of several layers of the stratum corneum (surface skin layers) leaves skin fresh and radiant.
Diamond Dermabrasion is a creative improvement of the Micro-crystal Dermabrasion. The Diamond Dermabrasion provides non-surgical skin refinishing, by using sterile diamond heads to abrade or rub off the top skin layer, then vacuum out the particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, imperfections, blemishes, wrinkles and unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Moderate usage of Diamond Dermabrasion, accompany with skin products that penetrate through top skin layer that reach the dermis level, helps replenish natural nutrients, restore cell activity, and promote skin health. Healthy and glowing skin usually results after Diamond Dermabrasion treatment.

Ultrasound was developed in medicine, but more recently applied in beauty. With its triple-impact effectiveness, it brings surprising innovation to beauty care. It’s an exciting yet simple and powerfully effective tool to rejuvenate your skin. Ultrasound uses the cutting-edge technology of very high-speed, low-frequency sound waves that radiate invisible micro vibrations deep within cells, helping stimulate the skin’s natural repair mechanisms in distinct ways. Ultrasonic utilizes sonic vibrations; it works one million times per second. Ultrasound provides non-surgical lifting. The ultrasonic wave could stimulate skin tissue and improve permeability of the membrane to promote collagen tissue, reduce wrinkles, erase fine lines, lift the skin and result for a younger, healthier look. Ultrasonic generates frictional heat, which accelerates blood circulation, muscle relaxation, and decomposes the cellulite to break down excess fat. Ultrasound treatments are non-invasive, safe and suitable for all types of skin. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of this new and advance beauty technology.

In only 10-15 minutes daily, you'll experience dynamic changes in the look of your face: your skin will appear more youthful, smooth and healthy with the technology of ultrasonic. Ultrasonic massage reaches deeply into the skin. Ultrasound Beauty Massagers produce micro-vibrations, which are often used to help stimulate the body's recovery from illness and injury. Although invisible to the eye and undetectable by our skin, micro-vibrations can also reach fats that have built up in areas such as the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, calves or double chin in order to achieve slimming.

Cold and Warm Therapy
As we age, the top layers of our skin loses more moisture. Older skin renews itself every four to six weeks, unlike the three to four weeks for younger skin. This older skin has a dry and dehydrated condition, resulting in fine wrinkles and age spots. People who frequently suffer from sudden tenseness and muscle pain often find that heat compression soothes their discomfort. Meanwhile, physicians and physiotherapists tell us to use ice packs to reduce swelling and aid recovery.

No one wants the troublesome burden of continuously alternating cold packs----think of the time you'd save if one device took care of both for you! We proudly introduce the cold/ warm therapy to alleviate what ails you; its applications of cold allow the skin's natural rejuvenation processes to be accelerated. Also, painful muscles are treated in a targeted way: either with a concentrated individual application as needed or by combining the various forms of therapy.

It comfortably treats pressure points and hard-to-reach areas for the ultimate in relaxation with its whisper-quiet operation.
The cold treatment function is specially designed for calming the skin after peeling. The skin is sensitive after peeling treatment, so the cold treatment procedure is necessary. The hot treatment function is designed for opening pores before cleaning the skin and accelerating the absorption of nutrition. Cold hammer treats edema, relieves the pain in the part of body, shrinks pores, calms inflammation, and abates hypersusceptibility. The warm hammer accelerates blood circulation and enhances metabolism. It can also smooth wrinkles and make the skin fresh, since cool and hot massage treatments are proceeded alternatively.

Skin Scrubber
The skin scrubber utilizes ultrasound technology to gently exfoliate the skin of dead skin cells and impurities. Ultrasound waves help loosen and remove oil, dirt and cellular debris from pores in order to achieve a noticeably radiant, healthy glow. This device is non-abrasive, and it can easily achieve a healthy complexion without the redness, swelling, and irritation, which are often associated with microdermabrasion treatments.
Ultrasound waves help stimulate collagen and elastin that eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. This Ultrasound Scrubber waves allow an non-invasive and painless skin care regimen . By removing the superficial scaly layers of the skin, the scrubber stimulates the revival of the skin tissue in order to provide youthful and luminous skin. It removes spots, wrinkles and pimples effectively to make your skin clean and softer. Moreover, it enhances blood circulation and strengthens skin reproduction. The result of the treatments is usually refreshed, cleaned, and rejuvenated skin. The scrubber can be used on all skin types with an adjustable intensity level power control. It offers the flexibility of different interchangeable electrode forms.

The Layers of the Skin
The skin has three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous. The epidermis is the outermost layer, which everyone sees; the dermis is the middle layer, and the subcutaneous is the inner layer.  When you are young, the skin does an efficient job of stretching and holding moisture. The dermis (middle layer) has an elastic quality due to the fibers called elastin. Elastin gives the skin a smooth feeling and helps with skin rejuvenation. Collagen is found in the dermis and helps prevent wrinkles. Over time, the skin’s collagen and elastin diminish. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and cannot hold moisture in the epidermis. The fat in the subcutaneous layer, which gives the skin a plump, firm appearance also begins to disappear. This results in sagging skin and wrinkles. Wrinkles are most common where facial muscle contractions have been repeated over many years.
The two biggest culprits that determine the appearance of our skin are time (age) and the environment (namely the sun). These culprits have a profound effect on the ability of our bodies to produce collagen and elastin.
To conclude, the skin scrubber is easy to use and can be used with any facial treatment.

How to use?

What's more?
Rejuvenate Your Skin with diamond dermabrasion
To appreciate the benefits of diamond dermabrasion, it is important to understand how the skin maintains its appearance by replenishing itself.

Time and the Environment
Our bodies naturally shed the outer most layer of the epidermis that contains dead skin cells (stratum corneum) every 30 days or so. As our body sheds, the dermis manufacturers collagen and elastin to restore itself. The amount is dependent upon age and the condition of the skin.
Diamond dermabrasion accelerates the body's natural cycle of shedding dead skin cells as it stimulates the production of these two vital proteins. Skin that creates collagen and elastin more rapidly is younger, healthier looking skin.

How are ultrasound/ultrasonic massage applied in beauty technique? 
Ultrasound beauty exploits the same technology that doctors use in antenatal scans for pregnant women, pain-killing effects, and possible benefits to healing of fractures and scar tissue----but in its beauty application it penetrates a few millimeters beneath the skin to reach the adipose tissue where cellulite is trapped.

Muscle and bone have been found to absorb more ultrasonic energy than other heterogeneous tissues because they better reflect the longitudinal waves of ultrasound, transforming them into transverse waves to create a warming massage effect. This happens most commonly in the areas between muscle and bone or between the muscle and tendon.

By applying ultrasonic waves to these areas, physical therapists can take advantage of this thermal effect to reduce inflammation and increase mobility in joints. Similarly in beauty, Ultrasound sets up invisible micro-vibration deep within in the cells, stimulating changes to the appearance of skin and underlying tissues, when used as an adjunct to best-practices routines for optimum health and beauty.
The development of ultrasound

Research on ultrasound began at the start of the First World War (1914), when the Allied forces used it to detect German submarines. Except for military purposes, it was only used for underwater research----until 1927, when the United States began to use ultrasound in bio-chemical research. In 1928, using ultrasound, the eastern Germans ran experiments to attempt curing loss of hearing and otosclerosis, and by 1939, ultrasonic therapy was born. Although ultrasonic development was interrupted by the Second World War, the UK, among other countries, actively refined ultrasonic therapy for rehabilitative purposes in postwar years.

Ultrasound Test
Place few drops of water on the metal area of the ultrasound infrared body massager, and press the ' Power ' switch to turn on. You will see the water is vibrated and becomes tiny.
Ultrasonic currents, vibrating by millions times per second, make a cleansing and heating effect. Such powerful ultrasonic currents, when infiltrated deeply into skin, gives a cleansing and massage effect to our skin.

Linggo, Oktubre 2, 2016


We are normally ready to spend heaps of cash on garments, nourishment, voyaging and extravagances of life. In any case, making an excursion to the spa and burning through cash on the medications accessible there is something we are fairly hesitant to burn through cash on. The prosperity of our body is something that needs to have a need in life. So it is really not a waste spending some cash on the medicines in the spa in the event that you are going to get revived and restored after the medications.

A visit to a spa, notwithstanding for only an evening for a straightforward back rub gives astonishing impacts to our perspective. We feel casual and more joyful and can confront the bothers of life betterly. So it is really justified, despite all the trouble making a trek to a spa in any event in our lives. Be that as it may, picking the right spa for the right treatment turns out to be an extraordinary undertaking. You need to first have an objective to go after through the medicines in the spa. This is on the grounds that there are distinctive sorts of spas that oblige your diverse needs like unwinding, molding, restoration, and so forth.

There are essentially four sorts of spas. The first is the spa that takes into account the well being of the customer. This is for individuals who have an exciting restorative history and medications are vested after talks with the customer's authorized human services masters. The greater part of the general population going to these spas for medications are people recouping from operations and individuals attempting to stop smoking or liquor. Medications are regulated to the patients as indicated by the case.

The second kind of spa is those that take the wellness of the customer into thought. They are uniquely intended for the individuals who need to unwind. Exercises like heart stimulating exercise and open air games are given here to better physical wellness and unwinding for the customer. So this spa is better for the individual who is more lively on a basic level. They appreciate this project due to the chance they are given of adapting more exercises in the spa.

The third kind of spa is the all encompassing spa. The fundamental reason individuals go along with this spa is to take in more about deep sense of being. This is the best place to set out to toward to take in more about self-acknowledgment. There are diverse reflection systems educated here and these medications originate from various societies and convictions like the Chinese Tai Chi contemplation.

The fourth and the more well known spa is the day spa. Individuals who visit these spas are generally the ones who are more magnificence cognizant. Making a visit to these spas gives the customer a chance to decorate themselves and to unwind themselves as well. There are diverse sorts of medications that are given in the day spa that unwind you and enhance you in the meantime like mud packs, sauna showers, back rubs and yoga. Truth be told, the day spa is the spot the lady of the hour and spouse head for a couple days before the colossal day!

So making a visit to any type of spa is enormously recommended. You feel pulled back from the standard dreary routine here in the spa, and enormously revived when you abandon it.

Article source:

Biyernes, Setyembre 30, 2016


$234.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Auto Microneedle Automatic Rejuvenation Therapy System Equipment
Item ID: PE337
Color: White
Voltage: 110V-220V (Worldwide)
Frequency: 50Hz - 60Hz
High Speed Mode: 1200 cycles /Min
Low Speed Mode: 900 cycles /Min
Power: 2W
Number of Needles: 11 needles
Adjustable Needles Length: 0.5mm (default) or 1.5mm
Treatment Area: Facial
Weight: 1.5kg
Packing Size: 19x23x9 cm

1. Main unit X 1
2. Charging dock X 1
3. Needle tips X 2
4. Power cord X 1
5. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1

- Skin tightening and lifting
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Cure acne scars and wound healing
- Improve wrinkles and fine lines
- Minimize pore sizes
- Improve stretch marks
- Treating alopecia

- No cross infection; disposable needles
- Fast Speed, up to 1200 stamps per minute; faster than manual MTS
- Effective treatment; 13200 holes
- Short treatment times
- Adjustable needle depth
- Less painful
- Easy to operate
- No negative side effects
- Warranty

Micro needles are the latest skin therapy system. It works on so many common skin issues, because it effectively tackles the root cause of skin problems--lack of collagen. Young and healthy skin is invariably free of any blemishes wrinkles or marks. Since the micro needles work to increase collagen levels, it effectively helps your body create new, young, and perfect skin without damaging your body and without unnecessary and expensive treatments. It can treat wrinkles, acne, scars, and burn scars. A person's skin complexion is one of the first things we notice. Now you can offer a better treatment with this new device. This auto derma needle stamp uses multiple needles that vertically pierce the skin, which enhances rejuvenation and is safe for users, because there is less epidermal damage. The automatic vibrating function increases the effectiveness of treatment by increasing absorption of products, while reducing pain and discomfort.

With speed of 6,000 stamps per minute, over 66,000 micro-holes will be created on skin. The beauty products or solutions speedily penetrate into the skin, cells of dermis get revitalized, in order to achieve results of wrinkle removal, skin whitening, skin lifting, skin tightening etc.

The System uses 0.5 - 2.5 mm sized 11 needles to stimulate the dermis faster than manual MTS; shorter treatment times; adjustable needle depth; electronically powered multiple needles vertically pierce the skin to enhance rejuvenation results.

How to use?
What's more?
Treatment Effect:


Digestion system fundamentally implies the check of calories you smolder every day. More than once you have might read from the articles about quickening the rate of digestion system. The most well-known reasons are devouring very nutritious sustenance and performing workouts. On the off chance that your digestive system rate is slower, it demonstrates you are smoldering less of calories. With a specific end goal to expand the rate, you should take after the beneath tips:

1) Do not watch fasting since you smolder an excessive number of calories on the double, which is truly unsafe for your body. In this procedure your muscles turn powerless and you confront drying out as opposed to minimizing the fatty substance.

2) Dine around 6-8 times each day by expending nutritious things, for example, foods grown from the ground.

3) A substantial breakfast is a key element in expanding the rate of digestion system. Since you are wakeful for the entire day, the rate of digestion system is quick.

4) There are numerous sorts of sound fats accessible, for example, nuts, fish, olive oil, and flax oil. They can be the substitutes for handled carbs.

5) Consume less sugar so that the insulin generation is managed and you will accordingly blaze calories effectively.

6) Eat around 1 mg of protein for each pound on the grounds that the extreme fatty substance will be depleted away.

7) Remember that liquor is uprightly hurtful for the general population wanting to free weight. It forestalls fat smoldering and contains very nearly 100s of calories.

8) Green tea and water are the best types of drinks that don't influence the digestion system process. So utilize them rather than tea, espresso and liquor.

9) Night movements are regularly not fitting, but rather in the event that you think they are unavoidable then take over the previously mentioned tips precisely.

10) Keeping in mind the end goal to make your digestion system process successfully utilize the turbulence training manual that gives you a right guideline to perform the workouts.

In the event that your digestive system rate is slower, it demonstrates you are blazing less of calories. Keep in mind the above focuses for a sound life.

Article source:

Huwebes, Setyembre 29, 2016


$29.50 USD  Shop now!

Item: Galvanic Probe Set For Use With Galvanic Current Machines Parts
Item Code: P018
Color: Gray
Size: 22x6.5x1.5 cm
Weight: 0.3 kg

1. Galvanic Probe Set X 1

The Galvanic function is simple to operate with adjustable power as well as positive and negative ionization. The device is simple to operate and requires minimal skill to achieve amazing results within the first few uses.

Operational Principles:
The principle of the Galvanic induction treatment is extremely simple yet effective, the micro electricity emitted by the Galvanic roller will expedite the absorption of nutrition molecules applied to the surface of our skin and accelerate the speed of which they penetrate and combine with our skin cells. Typically, when we apply lotions, only the upper derma of our skin is fed. Any remaining excess will dry up and go to waste. The Galvanic roller will ensure that the nutrition inside the lotion will reach the lower derma of our skin and provide the imperative fruitful source for cell regeneration and growth.


The word high-impact truly signifies “with oxygen” or “within the sight of oxygen.” Aerobic activity is any action that utilization vast muscle gatherings, can be kept up persistently for a drawn out stretch of time and is cadenced in nature. High-impact practices use oxygen as the real fuel for maintaining action for moderately long stretches.

When all is said in done, oxygen consuming activities are those exercises that require vast muscle work, raise the heart rate to between 60 percent and 80 percent of maximal heart rate, are constant in nature and are of 15 to an hour during term. A vigorously fit individual can work longer, all the more energetic and accomplish a speedier recuperation toward the end of the oxygen consuming session.

Oxygen consuming activities fall in two classes:

Low to moderate Impact vigorous exercise – These incorporate strolling, swimming, stair climbing, step classes, light water heart stimulating exercise, paddling and cross country skiing. About anybody in sensible, well being can take part in some low-to direct effectively exercise. Energetic strolling blazes a greater number of calories than running for the same separation since it requires more investment to stroll than run that separation and postures less hazard for harm to muscle and bone.

High-Impact heart stimulating exercise – Activities that have a place with this gathering incorporate running, move exercise, tennis, racquetball and squash. High-affect vigorous exercise ought to be performed on substitute days. Individuals who are overweight, elderly, out of condition or have a damage or other medicinal issue ought to do them even less than often as possible and just with leeway from their specialist.

Here is a portion of the numerous high-impact practices you can do and in light of the assortment you need to browse, it cannot just remove the boredom from doing it, it can make doing it out-and-out fun too.

1. Strolling

Strolling is a mainstream type of activity since it requires little as far as gear or offices. Strolling an additional 20 minutes every day will blazes off 7 pounds of muscle to fat ratio ratios every year. Longer, tolerably paced day by day strolls are best to lose weight.

2. Running/Running

In running or running, an individual can cover more noteworthy separations in a shorter time frame. Along these lines, more prominent quantities of calories can be scorched per time spent.

3. Choreographed Aerobic Exercise

Choreographed high-impact move is an exceptional mainstream type of activity all through the world. High-impact move helps in conditioning up the muscles of the body and numerous individuals discover it amusing to do too.

4. Step Aerobics

Step heart stimulating exercise fuses the utilization of a stage or seat commonly around one foot wide and three feet long and around six crawls high. Teachers use numerous moves that oblige members to venture all over from the stage. Along these lines, the movement won't exhaust and tiring, however, will be enthusiastic and rousing.

5. Water Aerobics

Water high impact exercise consolidates an assortment of developments from both swimming and land heart stimulating exercise to create energetic schedules that are vigorous in nature. It uses the imperviousness to develop that water makes to raise heart rates furthermore helps you if are adjusting yours ashore is troublesome. It is a decent approach to get more fit.

6. Swimming

Swimming is an extremely prominent type of customary activities. Because of the resistance of water, the measure of vitality required to swim a specific separation is more prominent than that expected to run or walk the same separation. At the end of the day, swimming can smolder a bigger number of calories than running per time spent.

7. Stationary Cycling/Bicycling

Stationary cycling or bicycling is amazing types of oxygen consuming activity when done consistently. Like swimming, cycling is a non weight bearing movement that fabricates strong perseverance and quality and enhanced adaptability of chose muscles of the legs and thighs.

8. Bouncing Rope

Bouncing rope can be an extraordinarily high-impact workout the length of it is performed at a moderate to direct pace and is done persistently for a generally drawn out stretch of time (15 minutes or more).

The way to compelling weight reduction is through utilization of a sound activity program which is performed all the time while taking after a solid consuming fewer calories and nourishing arrangement. Oxygen is consumed activity is useful for weight reduction since it utilizes a bigger number of calories than different exercises and raises your metabolic rate.

This helps your body blaze calories at a speedier rate. It is a viable approach to lose fat just in the event that you are persuaded enough to do it much of the time. Vigorous exercise just smolders fat amid the workout itself. So in the event that you need urging comes about, you should have the capacity to practice every day and for more periods.

Article source:

Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016


$42.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Mini Portable MicroCurrent Blue Light Face Lifting Acne Remover Beauty Device
Item ID: PE132
Color: White
Power supply: 5V
Treatment Area: Facial
Size: 22x16x5 cm
Weight: 0.23 kg

1. Main Unit X 1
2. Power Adapter X 1
3. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1

- Fight acne
- Skin lifting
- Skin rejuvenation
- Wrinkles and fine lines removing
- Skin muscles firming

- Natural light waves improving the look of skin
- Each color of light shows beneficial effects on particular skin conditions.
- Easy to operate
- Portable
- Warranty

The Photon Beauty Device, designed for facial beautification, uses natural light waves, which are transmitted by LEDs into the skin. The light activates photoreceptors in skin cells, producing energy for absorption by skin components, to beautify your complexion.
Studies show that light enters the body as photons (energy) and is absorbed by the photoreceptors within cells. Massaging with the Photon Beauty balances skin tone and enhances circulation. Light is known for helping with some beauty problems, for instance, inhibiting the formation of melanin pigment, fighting acne and dermatitis, and improving the look of pockmarks, scars and wrinkles.

Functions of different light color:

a. Blue(463 nm)---Excellent effect of curing acne, kill bacteria, improve sensitive skin
The blue light penetrating about 0.5mm has the function of calming against skin rashes; suitable for the skin which is sensitive, oily and with skin rashes. It can adjust skin sebum secretion, effectively get rid of acne and whelk to reach the aim of beautification. Besides, the blue light can astringe and tighten loosened skin.

Microcurrent is known to be the most effective non-surgical method to take years off the face. It is a low level of electricity that mirrors the body‘s own natural electrical currents, triggering chemical reactions at a cellular level to enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin, providing circulatory benefits and reshaping the muscles of the face. The result of micro-current treatments are immediate firming, smoothing, and re-hydration of the skin while the fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Microcurrent lifts, sculpts, and tightens skin. Also, it provides immediate results and has no downtime.

Microcurrent techniques have been proven successful in treating a variety of medical conditions including Bell’s Palsy. Bell’s Palsy is facial paralysis and usually effects one side of the face only. The cause is unknown, but inflammation of one of the facial nerves results in muscle paralysis to one side of the face. This usually recovers over a period of months, but on occasion can be permanent.

But first, we need to understand what causes our facial skin to wrinkle and sag. As we age, our muscles become accustomed to certain expressions and tend to get stuck in these positions. A great example of this is the furrow between the eyebrows that many people get. At the same time, other muscles in our face are hardly ever used, and they begin to atrophy, which leads to sagging. An example of this can often be seen around our jaw lines, chins and necks, where we tend to develop sagging or loss of definition as we get older. As years pass, our skin cells become less active, which leads to a breakdown of collagen and elastin. By the age of 45, the upper cheek muscles may elongate by as much as half an inch, dragging the skin over the cheeks downward to form plump little pouches at the corners of the mouth. The muscles under the chin become loose and the jaw line loses its firm contour.

There are 32 different muscles of the face that are manipulated during the microcurrent facial treatment. The treatment lifts, smooths, tightens and tones. Probes are used to physically move the muscle into the desired position to perform muscles lengthening or shortening. Microcurrent treatment allows the muscles the necessary energy to keep their tension in this new contour.

To conclude, microcurrent is a therapeutic treatment that delivers safe, painless, low-level electrical impulses to strategic locations under the skin in order to firm and tone the facial muscles on both an immediate and long-term basis.

How to use?


Due to customs, stomach activities are regularly executed in long arrangements of 50, 100, or even 200 redundancies. Companions even transform it into a challenge:

- “I did 4 sets of 200!”
- “Truly? I did 6 of 300.”

Who might get the best results from their stomach practices in this situation? Nobody. here's the reason.

Long arrangements of stomach activities are not ideal in the event that you need well defined abs.Its essential physiology: muscles develop better on substantial, medium-reiteration (around 8-12) sets. Would you prepare your mid-section utilizing 4 sets of 200 redundancies? I suspected as much. Stomach muscles are the same, and they have to develop on the off chance that you need them to appear.

In any case, suppose you can do 12 crunches. Do you stop there (since sets of 8-12 work best)? Obviously not. You have to make the crunches harder by expanding the weight you lift each reiteration. Be that as it may, how? By situating your arms in an unexpected way. Taking after are 3 arm positions you can use with all stomach activities to make them harder and more powerful at building well defined abs.

1. Arms along your sides. Can't get any less demanding.

2. Arms crossed over your mid-section. Middle trouble.

3. Hands behind your head.

4. Arms overhead. Can't get any harder without including outside weights.

5. Arms crossed over your mid-section, with some outside resistance (a plate or a substantial book, for instance).

In this way, keeping with the crunch illustration, once you hit 12 redundancies with your arms along your sides, begin your next set with your arms crossed over your mid-section.

Once more, once you can do 12 reiterations with your arms crossed over your mid-section, begin your next stomach exercise set with your arms overhead.

When your can do 12 reiterations with your arms overhead, you'll need to utilize some type of outer weight (dumbbell, plate, lexicon, and so on.). You can hold it over your mid-section (a few people feel more great that path) or at a careful distance, overhead. The same guideline likewise applies to all stomach works out: when you hit 12 reiterations, increment the trouble by changing your arm's position.

Next time you're going to begin an arrangement of 200 crunches, take a stab at folding your arms over your midsection. Perceive what number of reiterations you can play out thusly, and how the smolder in your ABS feels. At that point drop me a line at my site beneath.

Article source:

Martes, Setyembre 27, 2016


$200.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Hot UV Towel Cabinet Sterilizer Sanitizer Beauty Salon Spa Cabinet
Item ID: D-207M
Color: White
Voltage: 110V / 220V
Size: 39x37x35 cm
Weight: 7.1 kg
Towel Warmer: YES
Ultra Violet Sterilization: YES

1. Main Unit X 1
2. Full English manual/instructions X 1

- CE Approved
- ISO9001:2000approved
- Built-in UV sterilizing lamp
- Transparent door, check sterilizing process easily
- Removable double racks for storage of different types of tools
- No assembly required
- Warranty

This machine provides you with towel warming and sterilizing. Sterilization of towel is the most important thing to do before you start your facial or body beauty treatment. A hot towel can also optimize your beauty treatment or even daily facial cleaning process. Moreover, this machine adopts UV sterilization.

Begin to take care of towel sterilization and put towel cleansing in an important place as it must be your first concern to keep your clients or yourself free from germ infection.
It is designed for both salon use and home use.


Getting fit as a fiddle takes more than oxygen consuming activity. While heart stimulating exercise is an imperative segment to general wellness, you likewise need to fuse muscle building workouts a few times each week to accomplish a very much adjusted activity program.

The advantages of vigorous exercise are notable. When you practice vigorously you fortify you heart muscle and in addition your whole cardiovascular framework. Muscle building workouts tweak The body and improve it readies to capacity and consume with extreme heat fat.There are two sorts of muscle building workouts that will either permit you to pick up bulk or tone your current muscle. The objective of a low rep, high weight muscle building workout is to expand bulk, or stout up the muscle to its most noteworthy volume. Lifting substantial weight makes the muscle strands swell and you will see a critical increment in the mass of muscle under your skin. The objective of high rep, low weight muscle building workouts are to condition the muscle and make it more grounded without a critical perceptible change in mass. Ladies regularly perform conditioning workouts with a specific end goal to shape their muscles and make them seem more characterized and weight lifters select projects that permit them to expand mass.

At the point when individuals start new muscle building workouts they expect comes about rapidly. This is fine if your body is shelter start with. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you have a high proportion of muscle to fat quotients to incline muscle, you will need to do high- Impact cardiovascular activities to smolder off fat in blend with muscle building workouts too manufacture muscle, keeping in mind the end goal to see the craved results. Eating a low fat eating the routine made out of incline proteins and low starches are likewise useful in building muscle and lessening fat.

One of the advantages of muscle building workouts, beside bigger and more conditioned muscles, is an expansion in your body's capacity to smolder fat. Notwithstanding, when you are not working out, Your muscles keep on burning fat all the more adequately when you play out a normal workout schedule that incorporates muscle building workouts. Oxygen is consumed activity fortifies you heart and enhances the capacity of the cardiovascular framework which is essential in conveying blood to your muscles. Be that as it may, to constantly blaze fat you require a blend of both oxygen is consumed preparing and muscle building.

It is a misguided judgment that by working out you is really constructing extra muscle tissue. We are conceived with the most elevated number of muscle filaments we will ever have and that will never show signs of change. What you are attempting to change through muscle building workouts is The presence of the muscle tissue, building it up and making the strands bigger and more characterized.

Article source:

Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2016


$190.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Wirless Skin Hair Analyser Analyzer Diagnosis Scanner Magnifier X200 Magnification
Item ID: DM-20A
Color: White and Black
Package Size: 24x6x14 cm
Weight: 0.56 kg

1. Analyzer Main Unit(x200) X 1
2. Full English manual/instructions X 1

- Analyzing hair condition
- Help improving hair condition

-Easy to use
-Simple Hair Skin Analyzer, Sanitizer, beauty equipment
- Warranty

This device shows follicular property and frequent pathological change such as pore obstruction and overactive secretion of sebum that you are unable to see with the naked eye or other lenses and magnifying systems. This device is the perfect tool to visually communicate the condition of hair and scalp.


Billions are spent every year on restorative items that guarantee to erase wrinkles, help age spots, and dispose of tingling, chipping, or redness. Yet, the most straightforward and least expensive approach to keep your skin solid and energetic watching is to stay out of the sun.

Daylight is a noteworthy reason for wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Your skin changes with age. Case in point, you sweat less which prompts expanded dryness. Maturing skin gets to be more slender and loses fat, so it looks less full and smooth. Fundamental structures, veins and bones specifically, turn out to be more conspicuous. Your skin can likewise take more time to recoup when harmed.

These progressions can be radically deferred by staying out of the sun. Albeit nothing can Absolutely fix sun harm, the skin some of the time can reestablish itself. In this way, it's never Past the point where it is possible to shield yourself from the unsafe aftereffects of the sun.

5 Ways to Slow the Aging Process:

1. Wear defensive dress. A cap with a wide overflow shades your neck, ears, eyes, and head. Search for shades with a name, saying the glass piece 99 to 100 percent of the sun's beams. We're free, Lightweight, since a long time ago sleeved shirts and long jeans or long skirts when in the sun.

2. Check your skin frequently. Search for changes in the size, shape, shading, or feel of the skin coloration, moles, and spots. On the off chance that you discover any progressions that stress you, see a specialist. The American Academy of Dermatology proposes that more seasoned, reasonable cleaned individuals have a yearly skin check by a specialist as a major aspect of a normal physical exam.

3. Stay away from manufacturing tanning. Try not to utilize sunlamps and tanning beds, and in addition tanning pills and tanning cosmetics. Tanning pills have a shading added substance that Turns your skin orange after you take them. The FDA has endorsed this shading added substance for shading sustenance yet not for tanning the skin. The huge measure of shading added substance in tanning pills might be destructive. Tanning make-up items are not suntan moisturizers and won't shield your skin from the sun.

4. Use sunscreen. Sunscreens are evaluated on quality as per a sun security component (SPF), which Ranges from 2 to 30 or higher. A higher number means longer insurance. Purchase items with an SPF number of 15 or higher. Additionally, search for items whose mark says: wide range (which means they insure against both sorts of destructive sun rays (UVA and UVB) and water safe (which means they remain focused skin longer, regardless of the possibility that you get wet or sweat a great deal). Keep in mind to reapply the salve as required.

5. Stay out of the sun. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. what's more, 3 p.m. This is the point at which the sun? S UV beams are most grounded. Don't be tricked by shady skies. Destructive beams go through the mists. UV radiation likewise can go through water, so don't accept you? Re safe if you? Re In the water and feeling cool.

Article source:

Biyernes, Setyembre 23, 2016


$108.99  USD  Shop now!

Item: Portable Pure Oxygen Jet Peeling Spray Gun Air Brush Skin Rejunvenation Lift Wrinkle Removal Device    
Item ID:  PE271    
Color: White
Voltage: 110V-220V (Worldwide)
Treatment: Area: Facial, Body
Size: 21x6x8 cm
Weight: 0.8 kg
1. Main Unit X 1
2. 110v-240v Adapter X 1
3. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1
Function:- Skin moisturzing 
- Skin oxygen injecting
- Skin smoothing
- Skin rejuvenation
Features:- Easy to operate
- Safe
- Special design accessories help skin absorb oxygen and nutrition more easily
- Can supply high pressure pure oxygen continuously after connecting the electricity 
- 99% pure oxygen
- Spray oxygen, inject oxygen, and inhale oxygen
- Supported with SPA oil or essence
- Warranty
Introduction:Pure oxygen skin facial injection is a new idea for skin rejuvenation. Treatments conducted by this machine are safe and the results are good. It is also effective for all skin types.
Friendly design, easy to operate.

How does it works?
98 % of our skin is made of collagen. The older we are, the less oxygen our blood carries, which will cause collagen to fail to generate. Meanwhile, skin is no longer moisture, and the epidermis metabolism cannot carry out normally.
Oxygen rejuvenates and promotes healthy, vibrant skin. It will visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles and dramatically rejuvenate your skin. Oxygen Therapy is rapidly becoming the 'Ultimate Facial' in the world of celebrity skincare. In as little as five treatments, you can breathe new life into your skin, replacing tired, aged skin with a younger look. Clinically proven Oxygen Therapy is based on new technology that delivers pulsated oxygen and a specially formulated skin serum deep into the epidermis, promoting healthy skin, restructuring skin, elasticity and firmness.


                                                Image grabbed from Google
Cerebral Palsy is an extremely lethal sickness that mostly causes engine hindrance that may harm the cerebrum. This outcomes in the side effects of mental hindrance that can be found in youthful  youngsters. These youngsters with mental handicaps need to confront significant issues cooperation with their guardian and society.

The primary driver of Cerebral Palsy in infants.

The genuine reason for Cerebral Palsy is still obscure to the therapeutic world. Subsequently doctors can't discover what is bringing on Cerebral Palsy in most youthful youngsters. A few feels that inborn mutations in body frameworks, for example, kidneys, heart or spine might be in charge of creating Cerebral Palsy as they may likewise have abnormalities in their cerebrum. Cerebral Palsy can be found in numerous newborn child, babies, brought on because of the seizures done for the season with their introduction to the world. Specialists additionally feel that rashness In infants and underneath birth weight can likewise be the reasons for Cerebral Palsy. Expending distinctive inebriating drugs, smoking cigarette, and drinking alcoholic substance by a pregnant mother here and there can likewise prompt the mutation of mind of her child. These babies whose
Moms have devoured inebriating drugs amid their pregnancy generally create a mental impediment as opposed to Cerebral Palsy. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS is likewise in charge of the cerebrum harm that prompts mental hindrance. Presenting a day with some refined sweeps it can without much of a stretch identify the Cerebral Palsy in infants effectively.
The diverse sorts of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is of various sorts and can be characterized by a kind of developmental issue or it can be ordered by the contribution of body parts. Plastic or Athetoid Cerebral Palsy is incorporated Into the arrangement as per kind of development and Hemiplegia, Diplegia, and Quadriplegia are the Distinctive sorts of Cerebral Palsy that incorporates the order concurring the association of body parts. In Spasticity the muscles can't unwind, while in Athetosis the patient cannot control the Development of a muscle. Hemiplegia, Diplegia, and Quadriplegia are the extremes of this Cerebral Palsy infection.

What is the fate of these youngsters with Cerebral Palsy?

The parent of these kids with Cerebral Palsy needs to take unnecessary consideration of their kids In an exceptionally sensible manner. A blend of positive thinking and authenticity must be kept up by the guardian of these youngsters to hold a superior future. The guardian's desires ought not be unlikely i.e. they should comprehend the kid's available and future capacities. The guardians need to set a most sensible objective for their youngsters.

Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2016


$88.00  USD   Shop now!

Item:  Portable Freckles Pigment Age Spots Removal Remove Beauty Facial Skin Care Device
Item ID: PE034
Size: 21.5 X 11 X 5 cm
Weight: 0.2 kg
Color: White
Charging Type: USB
Voltage: 110V(USA & Canada) / 220V(Europe)
Treatment Area: Face,Body
1. Main Unit X 1
2. USB cable X1
3. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1
*Remove spots
*Remove freckles
*Remove pigments
*Remove aging spots
*Lighten all spot areas
*Reduces visible skin pores
- Wireless operation
- Utilize electrocautery
- Easy to operate
- Warranty
This machine is capable of effectively removing all kinds of spots such as freckles, senile plaque, and flat nevus. The outcomes are instantly noticeable and no special skill is required to operate the machine to achieve astonishing results.

Electrocautery is a way to remove a wart/spot/freckle using heat from electricity. The electricity is used to heat the needle, which is put on the spot. The electricity is not sent into your body.

Electrocautery usually leaves behind a wound that may take 1 to 3 weeks to heal. The time it takes the wound to heal depends on the size of the spot/wart/freckle. Bigger warts or freckles take longer to heal. But the wart may need to be treated more than once.

3 kinds of intensity for different treatment. Lower level for spot and freckle. Strong level for mole and skin tags.
How to use?

Touch the spot with electrical needle and move around the area. The melanin is burnt black and falls can be seen. Superficial spot over small area can be removed immediately while deep spot over large area has be dealt with locally for 2 to 3 times. Client should stay still in the whole treatment and the esthetician should keep the electrical needle from trembling as well in order to prevent burning in different depth and leaving wound and scar.

1. Power button ( on /off ) ,long press the ( on /off ) button for 3 seconds , after starting the red light from the default for the 1 tap position , red light stands , when start up without any operation , it will be automatically shut down after 30 minutes, short on/off button button switch power output size (1, high,2,medium, 3, Lower )fast press twice (on/off) it will show the current battery level , and then press any key will be return (Green represents power)

2.When press the work Key(Out), it is begin to work , vice versa , stop working (the light will be orange when working )

3.Pritective Function :Long-press (out ) for 2 minutes , the device will be automatically stop working , if you need to continue to work , must loosen (Out)button , then begin to work after press it .

4. Power and charging indication:
All 3 green light on , it stands for the full power , when the 2nd light on , the power will became 75% , the last green light on , the power will became 25% ,when use the 5V charger , the device will be off automatically and stop working


The words "mind over matter" are more than only three words arbitrarily hung together to make something that sounds Fairly sensible. "Mind over matter" is more than only a myth, on the grounds that there are times when a man's condition of Mind effectsly affects matters of the tissue. Execution nervousness can make somebody make a less than impressive showing with regards to on Physical exercises, such as missing basic tosses and over-augmenting left punches. Emotional well-being can have an Impact on a man's physical execution, with specific issues having more perceptible impacts than others. As an Case, there is the association amongst discouragement and sexual feebleness. Weakness is one of those issues that an expanding number of men experience issues dealing with. It takes A lot of mettle to considerably consider conversing with a doctor about the likelihood of an issue. It can Indeed, even be hard to admit to others that the issue is there, whether they are experiencing treatment for it or not. Sexual ineptitude as seen as being exceptionally harmed to the measure of a man, by current social-social benchmarks. Dread Of disappointment and to a great degree distressing circumstances can wear out a man's capacity to "get it up," however not very many can make The issue as long haul as wretchedness can. In what may be the most noticeably awful conceivable instances of "psyche over matter" than any red-blooded male can envision, sadness Can adequately injure a man's capacity to work sexually. The passionate issues created by melancholy can have Genuine impacts on the hormones and biochemical transmitters that the body uses to flag or start an erection.

Clearly, if a man can't accomplish a legitimate erection – or experiences issues keeping up it sufficiently long to be of any Significance – then he will be named barren. Tragically, if the issue is left untreated sufficiently long, There's a decent risk that the condition would simply decline.

Once a man starts to trust he has entered a condition of sexual weakness, he may really turn out to be considerably more Discouraged. This is a result of a mental loss of sex way of life as directed by source-social elements. With Rise to rights and ladies' freedom, men have lost the piece of "masculinity" that included being the sole supplier For one's family and friends and family, compelling a socio-mental center to lay on that other viewpoint that as far as anyone knows Characterizes manliness. Basically, society has made men imagine that to be named men, they must be virile Furthermore, sexually strong. When they lose that basic piece of their sexual orientation, personality, then life just begins to go Downhill that bit quicker for them on a mental level. Thus, thus, exacerbates his connections as well as Likewise makes it harder for him to beat his barrenness.

There are medications to battle feebleness, however, those medications are frequently, most appropriate to be treated men who have issues Established in the body. Absence of legitimate dissemination, harm to muscle tissue, and an assortment of other physical afflictions Can likewise bring about feebleness. Inserts and remedial surgery can alter those issues, yet they are prone to do close to nothing For a man with issues profoundly established in his own particular personality.For that, physical repairs may have some considerable change, However, they won't have the same effect that they regularly do unless the brain is additionally given appropriate treatment and consideration.

Article source:

Miyerkules, Setyembre 21, 2016


$64.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Bio Microcurrent Galvanic Ion Skin Face Lifting Tightening Removal Beauty Device
Item ID: PE121
Color: White
Voltage: 110-220V (Worldwide)
Treatment Area: Facial, Body
Size: 28.5x18x6.2 cm
Weight: 0.47 kg
1. Main Unit X 1
2. 110v-220v Adaptor X 1
3. EMS Cable X 1
4. EMS Pads X 2
5. Full detailed English manual/instructions X 1
Functions:- Skin lifting
Skin rejuvenation 
- Skin muscles firming
- Introduce the nutrition of cream with positive ion function
- Clean your skin with negative ion function
- Infrared wave help promote metabolism
- Physical vibration for massage skin
- Positive ions cleanse thoroughly the pores
- Reduce visible skin pores
- Bio-massage to improve the black eye
- Microwave import, dilute fine lines
- Easy to operate
- Time-saving
- Safe
- Obvious results
- Painless
- Warranty
Microcurrent is known to be the most effective non-surgical method to take years off the face. It is a low level of electricity that mirrors the body‘s own natural electrical currents, triggering chemical reactions at a cellular level to enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin, providing circulatory benefits and reshaping the muscles of the face. The result of micro-current treatments are immediate firming, smoothing, and re-hydration of the skin while the fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. Microcurrent lifts, sculpts, and tightens skin. Also, it provides immediate results and has no downtime.

Microcurrent techniques have been proven successful in treating a variety of medical conditions including Bell’s Palsy. Bell’s Palsy is facial paralysis and usually effects one side of the face only. The cause is unknown, but inflammation of one of the facial nerves results in muscle paralysis to one side of the face. This usually recovers over a period of months, but on occasion can be permanent.

But first, we need to understand what causes our facial skin to wrinkle and sag. As we age, our muscles become accustomed to certain expressions and tend to get stuck in these positions. A great example of this is the furrow between the eyebrows that many people get. At the same time, other muscles in our face are hardly ever used, and they begin to atrophy, which leads to sagging. An example of this can often be seen around our jaw lines, chins and necks, where we tend to develop sagging or loss of definition as we get older. As years pass, our skin cells become less active, which leads to a breakdown of collagen and elastin. By the age of 45, the upper cheek muscles may elongate by as much as half an inch, dragging the skin over the cheeks downward to form plump little pouches at the corners of the mouth. The muscles under the chin become loose and the jaw line loses its firm contour.

There are 32 different muscles of the face that are manipulated during the microcurrent facial treatment. The treatment lifts, smooths, tightens and tones. Probes are used to physically move the muscle into the desired position to perform muscles lengthening or shortening. Microcurrent treatment allows the muscles the necessary energy to keep their tension in this new contour.

To conclude, microcurrent is a therapeutic treatment that delivers safe, painless, low-level electrical impulses to strategic locations under the skin in order to firm and tone the facial muscles on both an immediate and long-term basis.

The principle of the Galvanic induction treatment is extremely simple yet effective, the micro electricity emitted by the Galvanic roller will expedite the absorption of nutrition molecules applied to the surface of our skin and accelerate the speed of which they penetrate and combine with our skin cells. Typically, when we apply lotions, only the upper derma of our skin is fed. Any remaining excess will dry up and go to waste. The Galvanic roller will ensure that the nutrition inside the lotion will reach the lower derma of our skin and provide the imperative fruitful source for cell regeneration and growth. Therefore, this galvanic machine helps creams and solutions penetrate deep into the skin with the electrical current it provides. The unique super ion releasing technology makes nutrition of the cosmetics penetrate under stratum cells through barrier layer .The cells can fully absorb nutrition with the positive ions, negative ions and infrared interplaying separately. It can accelerate blood circulation, speed up metabolism to recover the activity of the cells, and reduce and prevent the wrinkles .The skin will restore its flexibility, luster and activity.
What's more?
Positive ions thoroughly cleanse the pores.
Blockage of pores is the main cause of dilatation and roughage of the pores and darkening of skin and prevents assimilation of nutrients into dermal cells. Cleansing is the first and the most important step in skin care. Most cleansing products can only remove dust on skin surface and are powerless to clean the dirt and grease deep down in the pores. The highly energized positive ions emitted from the product can soften the dirt deep down in the pores and make the pores free of blockage.

Negative ions cause deep down infusion of nutrients
Assimilation function of fatigued skin and aging cells is remarkably reduced, causing the essential components of skin care products pile up on skin surface and unable actually nourish the dermis cells. Skin is devoid of luster when the cells are undernourished. The negative ions can induce nutrients to penetrate deep into the skin, and facilitate the cells, assimilation of water and nutrients, causing the whitening factors and nutrients to enter the skin, and retain the nutrients, making the skin lustrous, lighter in colour and invigorated.


The scientists everywhere throughout the world are caught up with attempting to discover the accurate strategies to oversee diabetes. For, diabetes has accepted the settled type of fear, illness, not saving kids, pregnant Ladies, grownups and older. The matured people are the most noticeably awful sufferers since it crushes the Quality in their body at a fast pace.

Researchers trust that natural components cause the insusceptible framework to decimate the insulin-creating cells in the pancreas. At the point when the insulin-delivering cells are for all time annihilated, the main option for you are to give insulin to the body through outside assets, for example, infusions! In this way, far no other cure has been found!

There are two sorts of diabetes. Sort I and Type II.

The previous is hopeless, and it will stay as your deep rooted accomplice the most untrustworthy accomplice so far as that is concerned! Since numerous feared illnesses are its presumable allies. These feared associates will never shiver to assault you, if you are somewhat less ready in dealing with your diabetes.

Sort II is repairable, it accounts for that 9 out of 10 cases are effectively treated. There are sure preconditions nonetheless! You should have control over your eating regimen and enjoy consistently working out. Utilization of liquor and additionally smoking is altogether precluded. Body Weight Check is your watchword!

To sort I, take 2 to 5 infusions for each day. Insulin has a double capacity to play. It controls both the glucose and the velocity at which sugar moves into cells. In any case, insulin is not to be dealt with as trade for appropriate is eating routine. The eating regimen and activity are the establishment stones for controlling diabetes. Insulin will have the positive effect simply after you avoid potential risk.

With course of treatment of sort I Diabetes, zero chance can be taken. It is dependably to be considered as a feared sickness and ought to be dealt with and regarded in that capacity. A portion of the indications of your laxity of treating sort I diabetes are ceaseless need to urinate, over the top thirst, shortcoming, combined with
tiredness, urinary tract contamination, obscured vision and deadness in the feet.

In the event that Type I diabetes is not treated and cared for legitimately, it is not an existence and passing circumstantially, it is crucial, and chances for the latter are more!

Martes, Setyembre 20, 2016


$2,191.00 USD  Shop now!

Item: Project E Beauty High Quality and High Accuracy Light Detector Magic Mirror Facial Skin Analyser Analyzer
Item ID: PE231
Color: Gray
Voltage: 110V(USA & Canada) / 220V(Europe)
Treatment Area: Face
Size: 41 x 41 x 52 cm
Weight: 7kg
1. Main Unit X 1
2. Installation CD X 1
3. USB Key X 1
4. USB Cable X 1
5. Full English manual/instructions X 1
Functions:1. Epidermal skin analysis like color of depth, property of skins, and all kinds of skin problems.
2. Wrinkle analysis: Property, density, depth, and cleaning ways.
3. Speckles analysis: Accurately analyze depth area, sizes, density and how to dispel of speckles.
4. Diagnose skin conditions such as quantity and intensity of pigment, pores, spots, wrinkles, etc.
Features:- Using digital images technologies via RGB and UV spectrum.
- Hi-technologies system that composed with electronics, precise machine, integrated optics and the technology of digital images
- Warranty
Introduction:The magic mirror system is one of the advanced images analysis system in the world, using digital images technologies via RGB and UV spectrum. Magic mirror system can diagnose a lot of facial problems like spots, pores, pigments, wrinkles, creases, dyes, ultraviolet rays or sunshine to fix the damage of different degrees to skin or hurting skin accurately, and offer one set of medical suggestions for the client; it can also compare the different client's face images before and after skin care. The magic mirror system is one of the most dependable professional skin images analysis system in the professional area.

The body of Magic mirror system is one of the whole system core technologies; it has inbuilt two sets of completely independent, different lighting systems: the white lighting (RGB) system and UV lighting system. The RSM-10adopts the synchronous UV flash lighting system. Two sets of lighting systems have been controlled by the built-in 16 bits microcomputer and via USB port (or RS-232 port) to remote control from the PC computer. The body of facial scan system has built-in one 8,000,000 pixel digital cameras and via USB 2.0 port and setup two-way communications with PC computer. 

The Magic mirror system software operation system is also one of the whole system core technologies. The software operation system includes a digital camera remote control, the lighting system remote control, UV voice system remote control, 3:4 real time images preview function, the high resolutions still pictures display, save, analysis and printing etc.
How does this system work?
The Magic mirror system (also call the facial scan system) is the Hi-technologies system that composed with electronics, precise machine, integrated optics and the technology of digital images. It is also one of the most advanced image analysis systems in the worldwide.
We can:
● Easily demonstrate actual skin conditions with RSM-10 measurements for spots (pigmentation), pores, wrinkles, evenness, porphyries, UV spots and sun-damage.
● Quickly generate customized reports with recommendations for rejuvenation treatment and ongoing skin care. Reports also serve as a valuable aid for increasing patient-driven referrals.
● Clear communication benefits of advanced rejuvenation treatments, plus track progress and outcomes over time with RSM-10.
What's more?
What are the meanings of different light colors?
Light blue - normal and healthy skin
Yellow - Oily, acne skin
Brown - Pigmentation and dark spots
White spots - Horny layer of the skin and dead cells
Purple - sensitive skin
Salmon pink -Oily areas of the face


Before wellness preparing, one must offer significance to doing warm-up or extending activities to avert mischances Or to upgrade the yield amid the preparation. There are likewise various prudent steps and tips to serve as rules While doing wellness works out. Here are some of them.

1. To build your adaptability and to maintain a strategic distance from wounds, stretch previously, then after the Fact workout. Nearly everybody realizes that extending before workout forestalls wounds amid the activities, However, just a few individuals realize that extending after workout, when muscles are still warm, can expand Adaptability.

2. Hold your extending position for over 60 seconds to build adaptability. While holding your position for 20 Seconds is sufficient for warm ups, holding every position for no less than 60 seconds will build up the body's Adaptability.

3. Try not to go into an extending position, then instantly come back to the casual position, and do it over and Again. This is all the more fittingly named as skipping while in a position. Whenever extending, hold that position For a few seconds, and after that, gradually unwind. You may do this activity over and over thusly. Bobbing or Driving yourself into a position amid extending can strain or harm a few joints or muscles.

4. Work gradually in additions rather than instantly continuing to do the hardest practice or position.

5. Ensure that you have extended or warmed up all muscle bunches. For a few people, regardless of the fact that They have solid bodies, they tend to disregard the neck when working out of extending. Extending the neck muscles Can be as straightforward as putting the palm of one's hand against the front of the head and pushing it. Ate that Point, do likewise to the sides and the back of the head.

6. Extend routinely to consistently expand your scope of developments and your level of adaptability and quality.

7. Workout considering just your abilities and not of others. Try not to drive yourself to do practices that you Are not yet prepared to do in light of the fact that there are individuals who can do it. Increment your cutoff Points gradually. Listen to your body. There are days when your body might be excessively drained that you may Have, making it impossible to consider lessening your scope of movement.

8. Figure out how to rest. Roast in the middle of sets and stations to ensure that the body has enough time to Recuperate its vitality. Likewise, it is prudent that you don't work the same muscle gathers continuously for two Days. The muscles develop amid the period when you rest and not when you are working out.

9. Do oxygen consuming activities to fortify your heart. High-impact activities are those physical exercises that Much oxygen, for fuel. This incorporates cardiovascular activities, for example, skipping rope, running or swimming.

10. Music may help you when you need to prepare for more periods or to build your face. You can utilize mp3 Players, CD players or lightweight am radio collectors for this. Simply ensure that you carried your headset with You so you wouldn't exasperate individuals who don't lean toward music while working out.

Aside from averting wounds and expanding one's point of confinement, it is likewise said that extending is useful For a drained body furthermore for a focused on psyche and soul.